Description Reviews MINI Cooper and Cooper S oil filter for all the gen 3 ( F56 ) cars FROM 06/20 on! All these performance-enhancing parts are for nothing if you don't keep your MINI's oil clean! We recommend changing your MINI's oil with full-synthetic oil and new OEM filter every 5,000 miles. We only use the authentic MINI Oil Filter. This filter kit comes with a new MINI OEM oil filter, the o-ring, crush washer, and new filter canister drain plug.. Fits all Gen 3 06/2020 to present Coopers & Cooper S, All F cars (F54, F55, F56, F57, F60). You think that an OEM filter costs too much? See how the cheap aftermarket fail leaving your car to have unfiltered oil or low oil pressure. Filter Torque: Initial tightening to 25Nm (18.4 ft lbs) then undo cover by 180 degrees. Final Torque to 25Nm (18.4 ft lbs). Filter drain plug 5Nm (3.6 ft lbs) DO NOT over torque drain plug or it will leak